Mobile Credentials

mobile credential

A mobile credential is a digital key used to enter a building or room using a smartphone. These credentials can be set up, activated and deactivated at anytime, remotely.

These credentials can be in the form of an app, a QR code or a temporary pass that is texted or e-mailed.

No more losing or replacing keys or fobs, everything is right on your phone.

Mobile credentials can also have the added convenience of being able unlock the door by being in close proximity to the reader, rather than pulling out your credential to unlock the door.


Key Fob

A key fob is a type of physical credential, typically a small round disc, that is used to unlock an electronic access control system.

With a cloud-based access control system, this credential can be set up, activated and deactivated remotely.

Both fobs and key cards are a great alternative for those who do not have access to a smartphone.

Key Cards

Key Card

A key card is a form of physical credential in the shape of a card. This credential is used to open the locked area either by swiping or tapping on the reader.

With a cloud-based access control system, this credential can be set up, activated and deactivated remotely.

Key cards & fobs are much more difficult to copy than a traditional key and can be deactivated remotely. This helps to reduce the risk that comes with losing your credential.

Key Pads

Key Pads

Keypads used pin-based entry to allow access to the locked area. This allows for the pin to be changed for security reasons anytime and can be shared as needed.

Keypads can be used in combination with any of the above credentials for an added layer of security.


There are still your traditional keys used to open mechanical locks. However, there are now also electronic keys used to open electronic locks.

Electronic keys and locks have the convenience of remote management along with a higher level of security than your traditional lock & key.

The electronic key makes it easy to modify access rights for each user and need. If a key gets lost, key can’t be revalidated which reduces security risk without rekeying.



Biometric authentication refers to the process of verifying a user using their unique biological traits. The most common types of biometric authentication are fingerprints, voice recognition, facial recognition and eye scanners.

However, this is not a method of authentication that is found in typical security systems.